
Latest "Leadership Development" Posts

The ONE Question Every Leader Needs To Ask


Today’s companies have it all backwards.  Leaders have a thirst and drive for answers to their biggest challenges.

strategic question

Thousands of leadership books are published yearly to feed that thirst.  Buying those books to find the right answers for your company is where leaders make their biggest mistake.


Leadership is NOT about having the right answers.  It’s about asking the right questions.

If you’ve read my article 12 Strategic Thinking Questions That Yield Big Results, you know why questions are so powerful and how they can change organizational results … overnight.  If you have not,  click here.


The Make-or-Break Question Critical to Your Business Future

There is one question though, above all others, that smart leaders ask … not just once, but everyday.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on July 8, 2014 in Fast Growth, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Profitability, Strategic Thinking.

How Leaders Break Through Sabotaging Beliefs … Rapidly

Imagine … you are walking through a nearby park with the intent of getting to the other side.  Along the way, you run into a large brick wall that stops you dead in your tracks and prevents you from reaching your ultimate destination.

leadership beliefsThat’s what your limiting beliefs are like … large brick walls that prevent you from reaching your destination.  These mental brick walls paralyze you.  They block you.  And above all else, they seem impossible to move.

In the companion article to this one – The Secret to Rapid Leadership Breakthroughs, I addressed …


  • Necessary conditions of any inner leadership change
  • How changing leadership beliefs changes company results
  • 3 core types of limiting leadership beliefs
  • Client example of how a leader’s sabotaging belief was impeding his growth to become President of the company.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on June 6, 2014 in Beliefs, Emotional Mastery, Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset.

The Secret to Rapid Leadership Breakthroughs


Wayne Dyer beliefs

Does any of these sound familiar?

  • You aspire to achieve great things, yet stay “small” for fear of failing.
  • What about the thousands of dollars you’ve invested in leadership books and training, yet still find yourself stuck in the same rut and don’t know how to get out?
  • Are you continuously swamped by the endless hours that your role demands, yet get diminishing returns from all your efforts?

You are not alone.   Most leaders harbor fears, negative thoughts and emotions that seriously undermine their achievements.  Here is one such story.

How One High Performing Leader Was Sabotaging His Own Potential 

About 10 years ago, I worked with a leader being groomed to become President of a fast growing company.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on June 4, 2014 in Beliefs, Change Management, Emotional Mastery, Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset.

Brain Science Secrets to Increase Leadership Willpower

When I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I was the queen of willpower. I have always thrived on achieving big goals.  My downfall was using a “white knuckle” approach to achieving those goals.

ego depletion

Willpower Exhaustion

Because of my exertion-exhaustion approach,  my world came crashing down with life threatening illnesses that cost me everything in my life.  While I wished I had learned the lesson in a less traumatic way, there was a gift in that experience.

It catalyzed me to seek mindset tools and technologies to create results with ease and less effort.  It motivated me to learn how the brain works and its impact on our thoughts, emotions and behaviors. 

Posted by Denise Corcoran on May 6, 2014 in Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Motivation, Willpower.

The One GRAND Leadership Illusion That Sinks Organizations

Leaders lie to themselves.  And they don’t even realize it. 

I know this statement may sound harsh at first.  I ask you to hold your judgment until after you’ve finished the article to understand why.

leadership brainFor example, when a company is stuck or has plateaued, I often hear reasons like …

  • Our company did not grow because of the economy.
  • We need more knowledge or technology to beat our competition.
  • We have to seize every revenue opportunity as it comes our way or we won’t survive.
  • The marketplace is an unfriendly place.

Do any of these sound familiar in your company?

Posted by Denise Corcoran on April 6, 2014 in Emotional Mastery, Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Organizational Performance.

Leading From Guts Builds Gutsy Organizations

be fearless“Leading From Guts” drives extraordinary organizations and a company’s distinctive edge in the marketplace.

The inspiration for this article was the movie “The Rosa Parks Story” – a story about a simple seamstress and civil rights activist with unwavering toughness of character that, in 1955, changed the course of history and segregation in the U.S.

Her unwillingness to relinquish her seat on a segregated bus to a white person set in motion a whole chain of catalyzing events – including imprisonment, a boycott of the Montgomery Bus, a new civil rights organization led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a repealing of the segregation law on buses in Montgomery.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on February 4, 2014 in Fast Growth, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Organizational Performance.

Has Fear Stymied Your Leadership Courage?

What You Can Learn From a 4th Grader

Building leadership courage is not as mysterious as it sounds.

The 90 second video below is worth it’s weight in gold about moving forward with courage … even amidst fear and panic.  You can hear the panic and anxiety in this 4th grader  (and also notice her feet).

And you may even notice your own anxiety getting triggered and wondering why she would put herself through such an ordeal.  Yet, in the end, she not only overcomes her fear.  Notice what she says to herself once landing at the bottom.

  • As a leader, what can you learn from this 4th grader?

Posted by Denise Corcoran on in Emotional Mastery, Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Motivation.

When Great Company Cultures Go to the Dark Side

7 Signs Your Organization Is Headed in the Wrong Direction

Has the obsession to create a happy, engaged workforce gone toxic in your company?

shadow sideIs over-emphasizing positive thinking in your company’s culture, actually creating negativity without you even knowing it?

Is having 0% employee turnover actually a good thing to sing high praises about, or is it overshadowing another truth?

These are just a few examples of how companies, even with great cultures, can go to the dark side.

The REAL Truth About Your Company Culture & Its Hidden Shadow Side

Most great cultures are driven by handful of sacred values. 

Posted by Denise Corcoran on January 2, 2014 in Alignment, Assessments, Change Management, Company Culture, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Organizational Performance, Organizational Transformation.

Leading the Way to Greatness and Growth

Secrets of a Seasoned CEO

In July of this past year, I had the honor of meeting Mike Gustafsen, CEO, Virident Systems Technology with seasoned experience in growth driven companies/divsions at the C-level.
  His story as part of a panel discussion at a veteran CEOnetworking event – The Path to the C-Level – left such a strong impression that I asked him for an interview to share his secrets.

In my view, Mike embodies the essence of a great leader – a visionary, strategist, big thinker, leader of leaders, great team and culture builder, global thinker yet down to earth, authentic and the list goes on. 

Posted by Denise Corcoran on in Alignment, Company Culture, Employee Engagement, Fast Growth, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Motivation, Teams, Vision.

Creating a Vision That Pulls Your Company Forward

Re-Imagining New Leadership Possibilities in 2014

possibilitiesIt’s that time of the year!  Most business leaders are preparing for an executive off-site to define their company’s future direction for the new year.

Yet, in my 30 years experience of working with leadership teams and companies, the terms “vision,” “mission” and “values” are THE most overused, misunderstood and abused words in the business community today.

Vision statements, mission statements and strategic plans in many companies reduce to mere academic exercises with no real value in driving an organization forward.  Why?  Let’s take a look.

Why Most Company Visions Get an “F”:  The Big 3

  1. Your company’s vision lacks the necessary specificity and inspiration to pull your company forward.

Posted by Denise Corcoran on December 3, 2013 in Alignment, Employee Engagement, Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Motivation, Organizational Performance, Organizational Transformation, Vision.