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Does any of these sound familiar?
- You aspire to achieve great things, yet stay “small” for fear of failing.
- What about the thousands of dollars you’ve invested in leadership books and training, yet still find yourself stuck in the same rut and don’t know how to get out?
- Are you continuously swamped by the endless hours that your role demands, yet get diminishing returns from all your efforts?
You are not alone. Most leaders harbor fears, negative thoughts and emotions that seriously undermine their achievements. Here is one such story.
How One High Performing Leader Was Sabotaging His Own Potential
About 10 years ago, I worked with a leader being groomed to become President of a fast growing company.
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Posted by Denise Corcoran on June 4, 2014 in Beliefs, Change Management, Emotional Mastery, Goal Achievement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Mindset.
The Bonus Question Is The Punch Line.
At the end of every year, I take a personal private retreat to clear my mind, take inventory of the past year and create a new vision for the new year. Knowing the power of questions, at the start of each retreat, I ask myself …
What are the 10 most important questions to ask myself in this retreat to take my business (and life) to a more meaningful, impactful and prospering level in the new year?
For 3-4 days, I spend time by the ocean simply reflecting, letting go of any goals, plans or expectations.
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Posted by Denise Corcoran on March 4, 2014 in Change Management, Fast Growth, Goal Achievement, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Organizational Performance, Strategic Thinking, Vision.
The Finale Says It All.
As a leader, how often do you find yourself …
I’m guessing what you really want is to stop your perpetual busyness. You want to focus on the critical few. You want to navigate your company, amidst constant change, to its ultimate destination.
In my decades of working with leaders, I have found that the above are symptoms that a leader lacks the capacity to think strategically.
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Posted by Denise Corcoran on in Change Management, Fast Growth, Goal Achievement, Leadership Performance, Mindset, Motivation, Organizational Performance, Organizational Transformation, Strategic Thinking.
7 Signs Your Organization Is Headed in the Wrong Direction
Has the obsession to create a happy, engaged workforce gone toxic in your company?
Is over-emphasizing positive thinking in your company’s culture, actually creating negativity without you even knowing it?
Is having 0% employee turnover actually a good thing to sing high praises about, or is it overshadowing another truth?
These are just a few examples of how companies, even with great cultures, can go to the dark side.
The REAL Truth About Your Company Culture & Its Hidden Shadow Side
Most great cultures are driven by handful of sacred values.
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Posted by Denise Corcoran on January 2, 2014 in Alignment, Assessments, Change Management, Company Culture, Employee Engagement, Leadership Development, Leadership Performance, Organizational Performance, Organizational Transformation.